The Board of Directors has approved Konecranes Plc Insider Regulations based on Market Abuse Regulation (“MAR”), regulation and guidance given by European Securities and Markets Authority, the Finnish Securities Markets Act, Nasdaq Helsinki Ltd’s Guidelines for Insiders and guidance given by the Financial Supervision Authority.
Konecranes maintains an insider list (“Insider List”) recording all persons having access to insider information related to Company. The Insider List consists of one or more project-specific sections. Konecranes has determined that it will not establish a permanent insider section in this Insider List and there are thus no permanent insiders in Konecranes.
In Konecranes persons discharging managerial responsibilities (“Managers”) according to MAR, are the members of the Board of Directors, the President and CEO and the members of the Group Executive Board. Managers and their closely associated persons have to notify Konecranes and Financial Supervision Authority of all transactions as defined in MAR conducted on their own account relating to the financial instruments of Konecranes within three days of the transactions.
Managers are prohibited from trading in Konecranes' financial instruments during a closed period starting on the 15th day of the month prior to the end of each calendar quarter and ending when the corresponding interim report or the financial statement bulletin is published, including the day of publication of said report (“Closed Period”).
Konecranes keeps a record of persons who regularly participate in the preparation of the group level financial results or who can otherwise have access to such information that the Closed Period set by Konecranes applies to them. Persons included in the Insider List’s project-specific sections are prohibited from trading in Konecranes financial instruments until termination of the project concerned.
Managers’ transactions
Based on MAR, as of July 3, 2016, Konecranes publishes Managers’ and their closely associated persons’ transactions in Konecranes financial instruments with a stock-exchange release.
Konecranes stock exchange releases are available here: Releases
Notifying Managers’ transactions is possible here: Managers’ transactions
MAR does not require maitaining a public insider register and so the Public Insider Register of Konecranes Plc has ceased to exist as of July 3, 2016.